Boketsu wo Horu (墓穴を掘る - Digging One's Own Grave)

Feb 7, 2019 22:18
Boketsu wo Horu

I sometimes do an act that is referred to as 'boketsu wo horu' (墓穴を掘る) in Japanese.

'Boketsu wo horu' is an idiom that means to make a factor that ruins yourself with your own hands.

'Bo' (墓) means "grave" or "burial," 'ketsu' (穴) means "hole" or "pit," and 'horu' (掘る) means "to dig," so the literal meaning of this idiom is "to dig a burial pit/grave."

It is omitted in the Japanese writing, but this idiom implies that the burial pit/grave is one's own.

In English, it can be translated as "to dig one's own grave" or "to dig oneself into a hole."



「墓」は "grave" や "burial"、「穴」は "hole" や "pit"、「掘る」は "to dig" を意味するので、この慣用句の文字どおりの意味は "to dig a burial pit/grave" となります。


英語では、"to dig one's own grave" や "to dig oneself into a hole" のように言うことができます。
No. 1 Eric's correction
  • Boketsu wo Horu (墓穴を掘る - Digging One's Own Grave)
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • I sometimes do an act that is referred to as 'boketsu wo horu' (墓穴を掘る) in Japanese.
  • I sometimes do something that is referred to as 'boketsu wo horu' (墓穴を掘る) in Japanese.
  • 'Boketsu wo horu' is an idiom that means to make a factor that ruins yourself with your own hands.
  • 'Boketsu wo horu' is an idiom that means to ruin yourself by your own hands.
     I'm really not sure if this is supposed to be with or by, but I think I hear by more often.
  • 'Bo' (墓) means "grave" or "burial," 'ketsu' (穴) means "hole" or "pit," and 'horu' (掘る) means "to dig," so the literal meaning of this idiom is "to dig a burial pit/grave."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • It is omitted in the Japanese writing, but this idiom implies that the burial pit/grave is one's own.
  • It is omitted in the Japanese, but this idiom implies that the burial pit/grave is one's own.
  • In English, it can be translated as "to dig one's own grave" or "to dig oneself into a hole."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
Let me know if you have any questions!
Thank you so much for the correction! :)